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Travelling in your own country is the best way to learn about it пример эссе (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

12 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

Some people claim that if you want to get to know your country better, you should start travelling. However, there are plenty of those who believe that it is not necessary to travel in order to learn about your homeland. Let us consider this problem more closely.

In my opinion, traveling is not the best way to explore your native land. Firstly, people can watch travel programs on the Internet, where they can find out interesting facts about different places and tourist attractions of their native land. Secondly, there is a lot of information about culture, history and traditions in the books. Thirdly, traveling is the most time and money consuming way of exploring your country.

However, not all people share my point of view. They say that it is much more interesting and exciting to explore different parts of the country when you travel.

Moreover, people can try local cuisines in order to get to know the local culture better.

I am afraid, I can not agree with the above mentioned statement, as you can watch different videos about travelling on YouTube, where bloggers show the best parts of the city. Moreover, people can find out recipes on the Internet and cook dishes at home.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above I am convinced that traveling is not the only way to explore your country, everybody can learn about his homeland staying at home

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание. Хорошо подобраны аргументы.

К2 - организация. Эссе построено логически верно.

К3 - лексика.Грубых лексических ошибок нет.

К4 - грамматика.Грубых грамматических ошибок нет.

К5 - орфография и пунктуация.


traveling(traveLLing; повторяется несколько раз)


Taking into consideration all mentioned above I am convinced(нет запятой после вводной конструкции)

staying at home(нет точки в конце предложения)

В некоторых местах запятые на местах, где они не ставятся по правилам пунктуации английского языка.

В целом:

К1 - 3

К2 - 3

К3 - 3

К4 - 3

К5 - 0

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