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Technological advances make societies less human (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays technologies are an essential part of people’s everyday life. It would be no exaggeration to say that technologies spread in our societies and change us into senseless faceless mass. Yet there are some individuals who claim that different gadgets make our life full of emotions.

Personally, I am sure that technologies make human less sensitive and indifferent to any aspects of life and people. Firstly, because of social networks a person lives in his own imaginary world and stops communicating and stops sharing emotions with relatives and friends. As a result, he has been loosing his emotions. In fact, people while people communicating with each other via the Internet, they express their emotions only with stickers.

Secondly, people have become less sympathetic. They do not compassion on somebody who is in need. It is so because there are a lot of criminals in the net, who use sick people as a bait.

Also, it might be argued that society become more sensitive to other people with invention of technology like the Internet. Nowadays everyone can share with his/her own story and find like-minded person, or person, who can help you. With the help of

Nevertheless, these arguments do not relevant and compelling enough. What my opponents overlook is that people lose life communication. Almost everyone on meetings is chatting and doing his/her own things.

All things considered, while it might be seen inconceivable that technologies do not make person less sensitive, but I think otherwise. Al of us should be more delicate and feeling.


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