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Nature is powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference of human (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays ecological problem is the most popular topic for discussions. Some people consider that the environment can cope with the negative effects from human being. However, there are people who think differently.

In my opinion, people should protect nature. Firstly, the environment cannot cope with modern materials by itself. For instance, plastic decomposes for about one thousand years. Secondly, we have already faced with ecological problems and it is hard to ignore it. If we do not start making any efforts to protect our planet, the situation will become worse. It can lead to the complete nature destruction.

At the same, some people consider that we should not bother much about nature.

They say that people’s negative impact is not so bad as we think. The environment can easily cope with it.

Nevertheless, I would not agree with the opinion above. It is proven scientifically that people do cause damage to nature and this damage is really dangerous for it. The environment is not enough powerful to oppose harmful human interference.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that people should be more careful because our technologies have become dangerous to all the living creatures on Earth.


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