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Throughout the history, male leaders have led us into violence and conflicts. If a society is governed by female leaders it could be more peaceful. Do you agree? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays some people believe that men running the countries are responsible for cruelty and battles all over the world, that is why it would be better women to hold the power and lead the humankind to amicability and calmness. As for me I am sure that there is no correlation between the political situation in countries and the gender of their leaders.

To begin with I want to say that leadership is not determined by gender, but by character. It comes with education; it can be laid genetically or independently grown (brought up) by a person.

The history knows lots of examples of the great rulers of men and women such as Catherine the Great and Peter the Great, as well as cruel and bloodthirsty representatives of both sexes: Ivan the Terrible and Darya Nikolaevna Saltykova, commonly known as Saltychikha.

Moreover, we should not forget that a leader is not the only party causing or triggering conflicts. In running the government and taking the decision the ruler cooperates and discusses a lot with many other parties. As an example, we can consider Germany: the head of the country is Angela Merkel, but the highest legislative power belongs to the federal parliament - the Bundestag. No law can be passed without his participation.

In conclusion I want to mention that the ability of a country to avoid or prevent conflicts depends on leader’s skills, regardless of gender. It is unreasonably to say that men with their masculinity bring violence while women with their femininity will be able to guarantee peace and calmness.


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