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How important history is as a school subject. Why I want to enter the History faculty (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays technologies play a big role in our society and daily life. We use them everywhere from communication with friends to science. So liberal studies curriculum is losing its importance and popularity among people now. In our high-developed world people are trying to pay more attention to exact sciences because of progress in technologies.

So today I would like to tell you about why history is really essential science to study and why you should enter a historical faculty.

Maybe sometimes my arguments will be not so serious, but I will try to be convincing and not much funny.

First of all, I think that history can help you to broaden your horizons and become broad-minded person that makes you a good partner in conversation. If you posses much knowledge in different areas of science, it becomes exciting to talk with you!

I mentioned that you can broaden your horizons but what way? I am convinced that historians should know everything in various spheres of life. For example, historians are interested in literature which gives them a lot of information about past. What’s more, they know many facts about art because different artistic masterpieces have historical context. For instance, renaissance is inspired by ancient Greece.

I think that history is supportive to understand modern processes and reasons for them. A lot of phenomena in our modern society are results of long progress. And history can help you to understand why different things happen.

In addition, I think that the main reason for studying history is historic memes! If you want to understand memes about Khrushchev and corn, anecdotes about Stirliz, or jokes about falling of the USS

– welcome to a Faculty of History!

Furthermore, if you enter the Faculty of history, you will learn a lot of Latin catch phrases and you will speak beautifully! Latin phrases from books and films won't be problems for you!

In conclusion, I hope that my monologue inspired you to enter the faculty of history and you will make a right choice. Good luck!


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