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Schools should ban the sale of junk food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of selling harmful food in schools is very relevant. Some people believe that it should be allowed for sale as students should be free to decide what to eat. The opinion of all that is based on the fact that junk food spoils their informed organisms of children.

Personally, I am sure that convenient food should not be distributed at schools because any teenager who has eaten too much of it can face disease of gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the responsibility for health of students during the educational process lies entirely with the educational organisation. Moreover, it is believed that the adolescent eating too much junk food gain weight and their performance deteriorates.

Other people believe that it is useless to ban junk food in schools because the schoolchildren should draw their ration up for themselves.

Furthermore, they suppose that the sugar contained in carbonated beverages and the fats presented in products like hamburgers and chips provide the energy that juveniles need for studying.

I can’t agree with this opinion. Much healthier fats can be taken from nuts. Sugar in safe doses, moderately entering in the blood, can be found in fruit. Besides, children cannot choose their diet until they reach lawful age.

To sum up, there are two views on the problem of selling harmful food in schools. I believe that it should be banned as this food adversely affects the organisms of school-age children.


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