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Junk food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays junk food is advertised very often on TV. Of course, this has an impact on people and shapes their eating habits.

People are increasingly eating in cafes and restaurants due to the fact that they work hard and they do not have time to cook at all.

And because of this, every day more and more food establishments open with a variety of cuisines of the world. Depending on which dish people like the most, they choose the restaurant they want to go to. If they like sushi and raw fish, they usually go to a Japanese restaurant. If you prefer pasta and pizza, then go to an Italian restaurant.

Teenagers are especially affected by such advertising. They see a colorful picture and fall for the tricks of advertisers.

Because of the large amount of sugar and various additives, people become addicted to junk food and completely change their food preferences.

Especially strongly affects teenagers advertising if it starred any singer or actor who they look up to.

Adults who have already formed their own food preferences and favorite foods are less susceptible to advertising.

Personally, I rarely watch TV, but if I suddenly see a product in an ad, then I unconsciously choose it among all other products in the supermarket.

But on the other hand, many people are very worried about their figure and health.

And advertisers can make very good money if they can convince customers that their food is healthy and eco-friendly, even if it is not.

Therefore, I believe that you need to eat healthy food but not overdo it. You don't always have to believe the ads, because the creators of food products are not stupid people and also try to earn money.


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