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Some people think that using mobile telephones must be prohibited in school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays our life is unthinkable without telephones. Children use this gadget in school too. Some people believe mobile phones should be forbidden in school whereas other think that children should be allowed to use phones in school.

In my opinion, kids should not use phones in school. Most believe that mobile phones distract children at school. To begin with, when pupil use phone at the lesson, he loses the information given by teacher. As a result, educational attainment of the pupil gets lower. Secondly, many children use their telephones to find test answers. So, pupils can get an excellent mark but they will not have any knowledge.

However, there exist another point of view on this topic. In their opinion, using phones in school should not be forbidden.

Firstly, sometimes it it very boring during school breaks. So, pupils can use telephones for entertainment. In addition, if children want to have an excellent mark, they can use telephones to find the information they need for answer.

That may be true but communication with real people is better for child during the break as conversation of something with friend can give more useful information than spending time with phone. There is no doubt that an excellent mark is good but it has no value if it is earned in a dishonest way,

Taking into consideration different opinions on this topic, i believe that mobile phones make pupils disorganised and lazy. So, phones in schools should be banned.


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