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I have just returned from our school volleyball competition. I played for my class team and we won! What sport competitions are held in your school, if any? How can you become a member of your school sport team? Is it an easy thing to do? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Jane,

I was happy to receive your letter and learn about your volleyball experience.

In your letter you asked me about sport in my school. Well, there are many different sport clubs such as football, volleyball and swimming. Every year students have competitions in these kinds of sports. They should do their best because members of each sport team are selected as a result of competitions. I think that it isn't easy to become a member of this team as there are many pupils who are really good at sport in our school.

I personally attend our swimming club because swimming is the best sport for health.

That’s exciting news about your sister's birthday! How was the party? Was your sister satisfied with it? Did she like the music?

That’s all for now as I must do my homework. Write back soon.




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