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Задание 40. Opinion essay. People who get up early usually work more efficiently (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People who get up early usually work more efficiently.

It is very important to work more efficiently in today`s world and some people believe that the best way to do it is getting up early. Others are sure that it only leads to tireness. Whose point of view is right? (41 words)

As far as I am concerned, I agree that early awakening has many advantages for person`s productivity. First of all, it gives enough time to do everything planned. Thus, one gets an opportunity to do some cases in the morning.

What is more, different researches show that our brain works better in the beginning of the day. Consequently, intelligent activity is more effective at that time. In addition, early morning is a period, when nobody can disturb you, because all surroundings sleep. (82 words)

However, there exists another point of view. Some people believe that getting up early does not promote enough sleep, hence people are tired and inattentive during the day. Furthermore, they are sure that it is better to labor in the evening. (41 words)

Nevertheless, I can not agree with the opposing point of view. I am sure that one will get enough sleep, if he go to bed earlier than usually. Moreover, after working day most of people feel themselves powerless. (38 words)

To conclude, I would like to note that productive work requires strength of will, which is important without rising with the sun. (22 words)

224 words


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