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Âõîä ÷åðåç VK
çàáûëè ïàðîëü?

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Ó íàñ áîëåå 100 000 ìàòåðèàëîâ âîñïîëüçóéòåñü ïîèñêîì! Âàì ïîâåç¸ò!

People who get up early usually work more efficiently (Ñî÷èíåíèÿ ÅÃÝ àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê)

Nowadays, some people prefer to wake up early, while others get up later. It depends on a person's body rhythm. They say that they can do a lot of things quicker and more precisely instead of sleeping. Others are sure that trey are more productive after a good long sleep until the afternoon. So, let us decide who is right.

Personally, I think that people should get up early. Firstly, it is very good for our health. A person with healthy habits can work more effectively and more careful. In addition to this, one can enjoy the fresh air every morning and his mood will be very optimistic. Secondly, a nice sleep at night can give a lot of energy. A person will be able to do a lot of household chores without getting tired.

And finally, it is easier to tune in for work in the morning than in the afternoon because that is how our organism works.

However, it is hard to deny that working in the evenings can bee good, too. A person who gets up later can do their job without distraction. They can easily concentrate and the final result will be quite accurate too. Also we should mention that one can be a night person who will definitely work better at night or in the evening than early in the morning.

As far as I could judge, I cannot agree with my opponents. Getting up late is not always a good choice. Often people cannot fit in their schedule properly. They can arrive late at work of they often do not have enough time for their meals which is extremely unhealthy. It can become a bad habit of skipping meals. It can lead to severe problems with one's health. A sick person cannot be very productive.

To sum up, I would like to say that getting up early is way more comfortable that getting up late. People should be able to plan their daily routine properly and early waking surely can help with it.


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Òåì ñàìûì îêàæåòå íåîöåíèìóþ ïîëüçó ïðîåêòó è äðóãèì ÷èòàòåëÿì.

Ñïàñèáî çà âíèìàíèå.



Âõîä ÷åðåç VK
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