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Chinese will replace English as international language. This is inevitable as China has the biggest population and the fastest-growing economy in the world. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Chinese is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Some people think that English will always be the most useful. But others claim that Chinese will overtake English as the number one global language.

I think that everything is changing fast and Chinese can be the most popular. China is a very big country with giant population. Economically this country is strong and powerful.

Chinese companies make business around the world.

On the other hand, Chinese is too difficult to learn. Asian languages are full of complicated rules and structures. And many people speak this language only because they are Chinese. It would take too much time to learn it well.

Against this, I can say that Chinese is already popular and interest in this language is rapidly increasing. Many people understand that if you know such a useful, but difficult language, you will be sought-after in a business world.

In conclusion, I share the opinion that Chinese can become a best-known language. There is a view that it is impossible. Although it is difficult, there are many advantages.


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