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40.1 What young people in Zetland expect from university education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that adolescents, deciding to get higher education, have numerous expectations that university education should meet. Doing a project on what young people in Zetland expect from education at a university I have found an opinion poll, and I am going to comment on several key features.

According to the table, learning about the future job and trying what the future job is like are the most popular expectations amongst youngsters - 54% and 18% respectively. On the other hand, improving communication skills has the lowest percentage of only 5% of respondents.

Looking at the table details, interesting social life appears to be more expected than making useful connections for 9%. What is also notable is that the difference between the top figures is 36%, but they are both connected with future job.

It can be concluded that youngsters think about their career first of all, while entering the university.

One problem that can be connected with meeting expectations when having entered a university is a gap between expectations and reality of university life. The gap can cause a huge stress to first-year students and lead to anxiety, depression or insomnia, but there are some possible solutions. University websites should not misinform applicants, so there should be state inspections and fines for inaccurate information. Moreover, universities should have independent feedback service to understand what students are hoping to accomplish by attending and to fulfill their needs.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that university education is important for many young people, because they are sure it increases career opportunities. And universities have a great responsibility for making education process more satisfactory for students.


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