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University education is essential for young people; Future profession (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

13 из 20
Оценка эксперта внизу

40. (219 слов)

Nowadays university education is a controversial topic for discussions. Some people think university education is not important because students can find all information in the Internet. However, others suppose it is necessary to attend university and get classical education for teenagers.

To my mind, university degree is still important today. Firstly, students can communicate with professors to ask them about difficulties with their specialization or find new friend among students who will inspire to do their best during studying. Secondly, university education offers hard schedule, so it is no time for useless thing and lying in the bed.

Young people always have to meet deadlines. It improves their discipline and responsibility.

On the other hand, there are many new professions which are not taught in the university or study-program is too old. Secondly, self-education offers flexible schedule, so students do not stressed and have time to rest or repeat difficult topics.

Nevertheless, students who degreed from the university have diploma and can easily find good job, while self-education is still useless for employers. So, it is better to study related subjects in the university then buy online courses. Secondly, flexible plan of education fits only self-discipline students.

To sum up, I might stress that university education is still important. However, everyone can use Internet for self-studying in addition to the classical studying.

Оценка эксперта:

Задание 39 – 5 баллов

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

Поставленная коммуникативная задача решена в полной мере.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Организация текста соответствует всем основным требованиям.

К3 (языковое оформление текста) – 1 балл

1) I have already decided on my career in the eighth grade [Некорректно использована форма времени – поскольку имеется указание на точный момент совершения действия, следует заменить have decided (Present Perfect) на decided (Past Simple)];

2) I like study-process and explain difficult topics easier [Из-за несколько сумбурной грамматической организации не до конца ясен смысл предложения. Можно предложить такой вариант перефразирования: I enjoy the teaching process and like to explain difficult topics in a simple way];

3) What country you want to visit at first? [Нарушена структура вопросительного предложения. Некорректно использовано выражение at first. Вариант исправления: What country do you want to visit first?];

4) Why you don’t want travel through the USA? [Нарушена структура вопросительного предложения. Пропущена частица to после глагола want. Вариант исправления: Why don't you want to travel through/in the USA?].

Задание 40 – 8 баллов

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Тема раскрыта с соблюдением всех ключевых требований.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст выстроен логично и хорошо структурирован.

К3 (лексика) – 0 баллов

1) in the Interneton the Internet [Требуется использование предлога on];

2) difficulties with their specialization – difficulties connected/associated with their specialization [Без уточнения фрагмент выглядит неполным и неясным];

3) repeat difficult topicsrevise difficult topics [Слово repeat подразумевает механическое воспроизведение ранее сказанного/написанного, а не повторение учебного материала];

4) degreed from the universitygraduated from university [Слово degree не используется в данном значении и не выступает как глагол];

5) then buy online coursesthan buy online courses;

6) plan of education fits only self-discipline students – plan of education is suitable for self-disciplined students only.

К4 (грамматика) – 0 баллов

1) it is necessary to attend university and get classical education for teenagers – it is necessary for teenagers to attend university and get classical education [Необходимо перестроить конструкцию];

2) university degree is still importanta university degree is still important [Требуется артикль];

3) find new friend – find new friends;

4) who will inspire to do their best – who will inspire them to do their best [Необходимо дополнение];

5) offers hard schedule – offers a hard schedule [Требуется артикль];

6) so it is no time for useless thing and lying in the bed – so there is no time for useless things and lying in bed [Конструкция there is. Множественное число things. Устойчива фраза lying in bed];

7) there are many new professions which are not taught in the university or study-program is too old – there are many new professions which are not taught at university and a lot of out-of-date programmes [Фраза at university. Перефразирование конца предложения];

8) offers flexible schedule – offers a flexible schedule [Требуется артикль];

9) students do not stressed – students do not get stressed [Пропущен лексико-грамматический элемент get];

10) students who degreed from the university have diploma and can easily find good job – students who graduated from university have diplomas and can easily find a good job [Слово university без артикля. Diplomas во множественном числе. Артикль перед словом job];

11) flexible plana flexible plan [Требуется артикль].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

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