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University education is essential for young people // Robots will soon replace people in all jobs (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are many different ways of parenting. Some people believe that it is normal to be strict with children while others disagree with their opinion. I want to discuss it and see if adults should or should not be strict with kids.

In my opinion, people should not be strict with little children because it can cause a negative affect on their development as a person. Firstly, children do not understand why adults are rough with them and if a parent is too strict they will become shy and insecure about themselves. Secondly, many kids who have strict parents feel that they are not being loved in a family. As a result, children become distinct from they parents and even have mental problems.

On the contrary, there are a lot of people who think that being strict with little children is the best way of parenting.

Sometimes children have a bad behavior and nothing can stop them unless being rough. These people say that it can actually be good for them because they prepare kids for their future life where everyone is cruel.

In defence, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because there are other techniques that will help you to raise a child. Communication is one of them. A child will understand how he or she should behave and react in various situations if you explain it.

In conclusion, people should not be strict with little children because it might be the easiest variant but it can also traumatize a child for life.

We live in a fast-changing world where there are new technologies every day.

obots have become an important part of the technological progress. They are used almost in every manufacture worldwide. Many people are afraid that there will be no available vacancies soon because robots will work instead of them. I want to discuss it and decide if the statement is right or not.

In my opinion, robots will never replace humans because they were invented not to increase the level of unemployed people but to make our lives easier. Firstly, robots will never be able to be good at arts. People have been mastering different forms of art like singing, composing and painting for centuries. Moreover, robots will never be able to express their emotions and touch souls of other people by their art. Secondly, people are better than robots in communication. Professions like teacher, nanny, journalist and interviewer will always be done by humans because they have feelings unlike robots.

On the contrary, many people say that more and more robots are used in factories every year. Manufacturers buy robots because they increase production volume and don’t need salary unlike people. That’s why people lose their job and become unemployed.

In defence of my opinion, robots that are used on factories require specialists who will know how to control and fix them. Robots cannot exist without people.

In conclusion, people should not worry about robots stealing their job because no robot can fully replace a human. They were created to help people and not to harm them.


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