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Think about the culture you belong to and try to identify its type, providing clear arguments and examples (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Needless to say, there are numerous, not similar and unique cultures on Earth that a mind can just blow up but indeed humanity should be proud of that variety. Among types of culture it is possible to find direct and indirect, individual- or team-focused. I am Russian and would like to speak here with you to recognize which criteria suits my culture the most.

To begin with, our nation prefers using direct communications styles that is why most of the time the emphasis in discussion on what is said but not how. Firstly, we operate with facts and transmit it right to the person very often in public. The reason for this could be found in our hot-tempered character, historically saying what you think bluntly recommended itself a very effective way of solving problems due to consequences of such way of communication - duels of nobles in the 18th and 19th centuries, strong quarrel in the family, etc.

Secondly, very seldom in Russia you will find an absolutely individualistic person since each of us considers happening events in the scale of the whole nation and significantly more often than needed let society judge her/himself, thinking about the reaction other people will have on their behaviour, actions and even endeavours.

But in general, a Russian is used to finding solutions together with loved ones, close friends or with another community which advices he/she values the most. For example, before choosing the university I get acquainted with the opinions of my family members and later we decided to make the research to define the most suitable education institution.

In brief, I am convinced that our culture is definitely direct and team-focused since Russian people do the next things - pay more attention to what is say and undertake brainstorming process with someone they can rely on.


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