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письмо When I think about leaving school it is clear I'm going to miss my school friends (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Hello, dear Nicole!

Thank you for your letter, it's always nice to hear from you. Talking about school, it meant a lot. I’ve grown up there and all my memories are from school. I’m pretty sure I’m going to miss it – my friends, teachers, spare time after classes. I think I’ll still see my friends and come to school to meet the teachers, but I also understand that some of them are going to other cities or countries and I won’t see them again.

You’ve mentioned that you want to travel. What countries have you already been to? What do you want to visit first? What would you like to see there on the first place – classic old architecture of Europe or African savannas, white sanded beaches of Thailand or something else?

Sorry, my dog’s barking at my neighbour again, I have to go. Waiting for your next email!



Nowadays everyone has a smartphone.

My survey is aimed at establishing what people use their smartphones for in Zetland. I found some data which is presented in a form of a pie chart.

As can be seen from the pie chart, there are some prominent features in the results of my research. First of all, making phone calls is the leader (26%), and paying for purchases is the less popular thing to use the device for (10%).

Obviously, one can observe certain differences between the ways of using the smartphone. For example, emailing and making phone calls are still more popular than playing games (27, 26 and 17% correspondingly). It means that people still use their phones to communicate with others and not for relaxation.

While doing the project, I have managed to outline a problem. Only 10% of the respondents tend to use the new smartphone feature – paying for the purchases. The solution for the smartphone selling shops is to make sure new smartphone owners know all the features and applications that it has from the box.

In conclusion, I definitely think that a smartphone nowadays is the thing that no one can literally survive without, so knowing its features is really important.

Оценка эксперта:

I think I’ll still see my friends and come to school to meet the teachers, but I also understand that some of them are going to other cities or countries and I won’t see them again

are going to other cities

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