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Advertising of a junk food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays junk food such as chips, coca-cola, hamburgers and fries are very popular. The advertisements constantly show delicious snacks and talk about the speed of their cooking and great taste. Many people believe that this food is better than usual, others believe that advertisment of junk food should be prohibited. There are different opinions and points of view on this problem.

In the prohibition of such advertising there are many advantages. Firstly, it will help to save people's healthy and to stop the promotion of unhealthy lifestyle. Junk food is often associated with important events in our lives. For example, football championship fans cannot present this event without chips.

Secondly, it will reduce the popularity of sweets and fast food among children. Everyone knows that an overdose of sugar leads to the development of caries. Bright color advertising of sweets makes children eat more than they really want.

Despite all the advantages, there are disadvantages. It is difficult to determine which food is harmful. It is also easy to say that fast food is a junk food, but what about sausages or cakes? In fact, people are deprived of useful information about the food they consume every day. Moreover, many people may be offended by the fact that such bans are accepted without them. Most people can decide what they should or shouldn't eat by themselves.

Anyway, choose between tasty and healthy food is a personal matter of each person. Such kind of depends on education and their own habits, and not on advertising on TV.

I believe that even if there is no advertising, people will still eat junk food.


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