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It’s always best to wear a business suit when you have an interview for a job (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different points of view on wearing a business suit during having an interview for a job. Some people think it's better to wear a classical clothes to increase chances in getting a job. Others, on the contrary, complain that a costume does not matter at an interview. Let me express my own opinion.

To my mind, wearing a business suit at an interview is more appropriate way to increase chances in getting a job. First of all, it will allow to person look more smart and serious. Secondly, wearing a business suit can impress the employer. What is more, this clothing will show potential employee's discipline and the willingness to work.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion. They claim that it is not important what to wear at an interview.

A good employer expects good skills, qualification and professionalism from employees. Moreover, a business suit may make people feel uncomfortable and conceal the personality and the individuality.

Nevertheless, I disagree with these statements. I suppose a person wearing a business suit have more chances to impress and be liked by an employer. In addition, good clothes make every man look attractive, handsome and respectable.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people need to be ready to create a good impression on others. And wearing a business clothes can really help a person to get the job that he always dreamed of.


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