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A business suit for an interview for a job (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Different people have different opinions about clothing style, and they often have arguments about it between themselves, especially when it concerns employment, or interview for a job, to be exact.

If you ask me, I would definitely answer that the best clothes for such situation is the one that you like the most and also the one that fits you the best. To start with, this will affect your mind positively, making you smarter and more quick-wittled. Besides, it will make you become a way more confident in your abilities, thus making a good impression on your employers. Finally, your calm attitude provided by your confidence will show the hirers that you are a reliable person which they can lean on in any difficult case.

Nevertheless, the others think that the first impression is made more by your appearance and formal and polite attitude than anything else. Firstly, they think that business suit makes you more representative before your future bosses. Secondly, they consider that it shows person's discipline and preparedness for a hard work. Finally, they regard it as more convenient type of clothes than others.

Anyway, as I have said before, I am pretty much sure that the best for job interview is clothes that you feel good in and which fits you well, as only this way you can impress your employers the most.

To sum everything up I would like to state the fact that you should define your own style of clothes including the employment-related cases, but do not let any confines limit your convenience.


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