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To wear or not to wear masks at school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

“To wear or not to wear?” We answer this question immediately when it is about clothes or accessories. The situation is more complicated when we speak about medical masks as a very important attribute in the context of a pandemic. It is broadly accepted and medically proved fact that the medical masks help to protect the healthy people and to prevent the spread of infection. So the doctors strongly recommend people to wear them in the crowded places. And it is beyond any discussions. But what about school children?

They faced with a difficult choice: to be more protected or more creative, to put their health at risk or to assimilate the material fully and to perform freely the tasks during the lessons. I tend to agree that wearing of masks in the school is necessary only in places where it is difficult to keep social distance.

But during the lessons they should be put away because this protection can disturb educational process and hinder the better understanding of a subject.

While studying at school I had observed many times that bad aired classroom became a reason of the headache and the feeling unwell. So the percent of attention span and assimilation of the material was very very low. Physiologically this is the result of a poor quantity of the oxygen in our blood and our brain. The same thing is possible when wearing the masks ALL school day.

Besides the mask on the face can be as an obstacle for students when discussing or explaining some things concerning the subject. So misunderstanding or inadequate perception can influences student`s academic performance and damage the relations between students and between students and teachers.

So coming to conclusion it is worth noting that the best protection of the Covid-19 is a strong immunity. In this case you can answer the question: to wear or not to wear the masks at school. Moreover, the healthy young generation should be always a matter of the state. Then we won`t think about uncomfortable protection but we`ll focus on developing our skills and creativity.


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