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The production and sale of genetically modified food should be banned (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of growing GM food has always aroused heated debates. Someone claims that these products must be prohibited while others disagree. I would like to express my point of view on this issue. 

   I believe that production and sale of genetically modified food has a lot of advantages and should not be banned. Firstly, genetic engineering gives scientists an opportunity to create absolutely new kinds of plants. For example, these new crops are able to adjust to any climate. Secondly, GM food is cheap and does not spoil for a long time. So, humanity can solve the problem of hunger in some countries by using genetically modified food.

   However, someone believes that it is not such a great type of product.

In their opinion, GM food is harmful for our health and may cause some dangerous diseases. 

   Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. Nowadays there is no absolute proof of the harm of these products. Moreover, genetically modified food can even be healthy! In fact, various GM products contain an increased amount of vitamins and minerals. 

   In conclusion, I am convinced that this type of food is beneficial both for producers and consumers. I believe that genetically modified products are the part of our future, so they should be allowed.


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