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Nature is powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays some people think that people cannot harm the environment because nature is incredibly strong. Others claim that humanity destroy the Earth and nature cannot confront people.

In my opinion, nature cannot resist to all the damage that people cause. To begin with, there are lots of factories in the Earth. People burn fossil fuels on them which produce acid rain. Acid rain kills trees and pollutes the atmosphere. Environment are in danger because of pollution and it cannot to get rid of factories. Moreover, another thing that pollutes air is cars. Almost everyone has a car to drive fast from one place to another. Cars pump out poisonous emissions which we all have to breathe. Planet do not cope with this huge harmful gases everyday.

However, other people believe that we shouldn’t bother that much about nature.

Nature is so powerful that all that human interferences are really insignificant. They also claim that our planet has lots of natural resources. They will save our planet from any diseases and problems.

I completely disagree with these people, because the natural resources are not infinite. If people do not stop cutting trees, the oxygen will run out one day and nature will be in danger.

To sum up, there are many points of view about this statement. Despite other people’s opinion, I still believe that nature is not powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference. People have to pay attention to many global problems if they want to save the planet.


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