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Studying online is better than regular classes (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, distant learning is becoming more and more popular due to the epidemic situation in the world. Some people find it more helpful, while others are of the opinion that distant learning will never replace traditional school.

In my opinion, regular classes are much more beneficial than studying online. To start with, studying online students do not work hard enough. For example, they may cheat while sitting a test or an exam as they are not under teachers’ control. Moreover, studying online requires the Internet access and powerful devices like smartphones or computers. It might be a problem for children who live in remote places or for families who cannot afford expensive gadgets.

However, there are some people who believe that online education may be extremely useful.

The main reason is that it can improve personal qualities such as, self-management and goal setting. These traits are highly appreciated during university studying and at work as well.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. I think that online classes do not provide socialisation. Regular classes teach children how to communicate with classmates and deal with the problems. As a result, students get social skills and life experience.

To sum up, although distant learning might seem appealing to young generations, I strongly believe that traditional classes are much better. A traditional school provides not only knowledge, but also develops some very important personal’s skills.


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