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Online-learning is better than regular classes (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are a lot of disputes over online-learning. Some people believe that online-lectures are more effective than full-time ones. On the contrary, others say that tradition learning is the only way for getting good education.

From my point of view, it goes without saying that regular classes are better then online ones. Firstly, regular classes are good for children’s mentality because they learn how to communicate with teacher, other children in school. Secondly, the teacher can make right conditions for testing. It can prove children’s knowledges and educe their mistakes for eliminating them.It can prove children’s knowledges and educe their mistakes for eliminating them.

However, many people suggest that online-learning is better. They strongly believe that it is the most comfortable type of getting knowledges because a student can connect with the teacher per Skype or another programms for talking remotely.

They strongly believe that it is the most comfortable type of getting knowledges because a student can connect with the teacher per Skype or another programms for talking remotely. Then they can have class for a long or short time wherever they are now. The only thing that they both must have is Internet-connection.

I disagree with the above-mentioned opinion. I think Internet is an instable thing in our life, so student’s classes sometimes cannot take place because of it.

Despite the arguments of various skeptis I am convineed that tradition classes are the best type of learnig now. To sum up, I would like to stress that online-learning needs elaboration today.


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