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Planting trees makes a very limited contribution to improving the ecological situation (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of planting trees has raised a lot of heated arguments lately. Some people think that growing trees does not result in a significant cleaner environment; meanwhile other people consider this problem from another point of view.

Personally, I think that planting trees makes a restricted contribution in solving environmental problems. Firstly, the amount of trees being cut is rather more above than the amount that is grown up. According to the scientists’ research, 15 billion trees are cut annually on the planet, while only 5 billion trees grow up, so that people will discontinuance wood in 200 years. Secondly, the future of the trees is not that important problem because water and soil pollution are the most sufficient ones.

For instance, if we do not solve the water and soil pollution problems, we will have no subsistence in 50 years.

However, some people think that making planet greener has a huge beneficial impact on solving environmental problems. They claim that growing trees helps planet to get rid of toxic fumes and solve the air pollution problem.

Although this argument seems to be persuasive, I cannot share that idea at all. In fact, the humanity follows the extensive way of solving air pollution problem by growing more trees without cutting the amount of factories being built at the same time so that the government should follow intensive way of solving that problem by demolishing polluting factories.

To sum up, planting trees is not the best way to solve the environmental problems because the reason of the pollution must be destroyed first.


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