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What affects a person in a situation of moral choice is the problem that N. Tatarintsev discusses. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

What affects a person in a situation of moral choice is the problem that N. Tatarintsev discusses.

Every day people have to make choices: what to prefer, how to act? There are special situations in which not only your satisfaction or frustration depends on the decision made, but also someone's life. The difficulty of choice, responsibility for the decision made is one of the "eternal" moral themes of literature.

The author believes that a developed sense of responsibility for his actions helps the hero to make the right choice. Not even one hero, but two. Peter Vasiliev remains in the class because he does not want to worry once more the mother who recently suffered a heart attack.

His friend Igor Ereeev immediately understands the cause of Peter's deed and remains with him.

I share the author's point of view.

Recently in our class was almost the same situation in the same lesson. Only all classmates gave a moral lesson to a girl who did not want to escape from the lesson because she was embarrassed by the old teacher. But if the hero of the story remains in the class in silence, then my classmate spoke and urged everyone to be right ...

In the story of I. Kuramshina "Sons of duty" the same problem is raised. Only a moral lesson gives his frivolous mother a seventeen-year-old son. It would seem that the young man owes nothing to the mother-cuckoo, but, after learning about the death sentence of doctors, he makes a choice: gives the kidney to a sick mother, for the sake of saving her life.

Thus, I can conclude: a developed sense of responsibility for their actions helps the heroes make the right choice.

What affects a person in a situation of moral choice is the problem that N. Tatarintsev discusses.

Every day people have to make choices: what to prefer, how to act? There are special situations in which not only your satisfaction or frustration depends on the decision made, but also someone's life. The difficulty of choice, responsibility for the decision made is one of the "eternal" moral themes of literature.

The author believes that a developed sense of responsibility for his actions helps the hero to make the right choice. Not even one hero, but two. Peter Vasiliev remains in the class because he does not want to worry once more the mother who recently suffered a heart attack. His friend Igor Ereeev immediately understands the cause of Peter's deed and remains with him.

I share the author's point of view.

Recently in our class was almost the same situation in the same lesson. Only all classmates gave a moral lesson to a girl who did not want to escape from the lesson because she was embarrassed by the old teacher. But if the hero of the story remains in the class in silence, then my classmate spoke and urged everyone to be right ...

In the story of I. Kuramshina "Sons of duty" the same problem is raised. Only a moral lesson gives his frivolous mother a seventeen-year-old son. It would seem that the young man owes nothing to the mother-cuckoo, but, after learning about the death sentence of doctors, he makes a choice: gives the kidney to a sick mother, for the sake of saving her life.

Thus, I can conclude: a developed sense of responsibility for their actions helps the heroes make the right choice.


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