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Video games develop your brain example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The debate between defenders of the video games and their opponents has long existed. Some people believe that games have a positive effect on a person, while others believe that they only cause harm. In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.

Personally, I think that video games can really stimulate cerebral growth. The first thing to be considered is the fact that there are strategy games which allow you to develop logic and mental coordination. Secondly, shooter games help in learning to solve complex problems faster. Finally, a gamer's brain is always in tense, because the actions take place in the imagination, not in reality.

However, there are some people who might not agree with me. First of all, it is believed that games are the cause of aggressive behaviour and irritability.

Moreover, tiredness after a long game reduces the concentration of attention. In addition, if a person has no interests besides games, he degrades.

To my mind, this is very subjective. Games often help to cope with an aggression, which, as doctors found out, interferes with the brain. It is known that usually people, who don’t know when they should stop, have problems with concentration and tiredness. The degradation is a human choice, not a consequence of the game.

Taking everything into account, I think that games can be good for the brain. It seems to me the harm of games is the problem of people who don't know how to use them. Many countries also already use games in their education systems.


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