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Video games develop your brain пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Оценка эксперта внизу

The violance contained in video games can severely impact a child’s behaviour in the real world.Numerous experiments have been conducted and the results prove that children expensed to violent video games are more violent that these that haven’t been.Although it is possible for the child to have their emotions behind once the game is over,however this is not often the case.

A kid’s social life can completely dissolve if video games take over his/her life.They isolate the child from other’s and restrain them from participating in activities such as homework,reading, sport,and social interaction with friends and family.

Video games often send the wrong images to children’s minds.Even something as small as a person riding a bike without a helmet can impact their actions.And when,in games ,there is a vitual dispute to be settled by violence ,this is nt an opinion in the real world.

These are just some of the negatives ,along with health,pour academic performance ,bad language from in game and online play,and can damage long learn concentration

Оценка эксперта:

Если это работа формата ЕГЭ, это было бы оценено по следующим критериям.

К1-содержание. Проблема не поставлена, контраргументов и их опровержения нет, следовательно, за К1 0 баллов. Если за К1 0 баллов, то вся работа оценивается в 0.

Но вот ещё аспекты, на которые вам следует обратить внимание.


in the real world(real life)

children expensed to violent video games are more violent that these that haven’t been???

language from in game


experiments have been conducted and the results prove(в одном предложении два времени быть не может. Если в perfect,значит оба в perfect в данном случае)



К5-орфография и пунктуация.


when,in games ,there is(when there is....in games)

this is nt

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