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vHaving a large circle of friends is better than having just a few close friends (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Friendship is very important for everyone so some people believe that having a lot of friends is better than having a few ones while others do not agree.

In my opinion, it is right when you have only a few close friends. Firstly, if you have many friends, it is more likely that your secrets will be revealed. Secondly, having a large circle of friends it is difficult to pay a sufficient attention to each of them. Finally, having a lot of friends one has less time to be alone and sometimes it is a problem.

However, there is another point of view and certain people are sure that having many friends is better than to have a few friends. In their view, life of a person who has a lot of friends is more interesting because he/she is never bored communicating with different people each of them has his own personality. Besides, the more friends you have the more useful things you know.

Despite my respect for this opinion I cannot share it.

To begin with, a person who has many friends can get bored just because he/she talks to much and spends not enough time alone. Moreover, there is no guarantee that having a large circle of friends you know more useful things because some people are goofy and they are unable to learn something valuable.

In conclusion I would like to say that it is better to have just a few close friends instead having a lot of friends.

лан для написания эссе по английскому языку формата ЕГЭ: 1. Постановка проблемы.

2. Выражение собственного мнения, приведение 2-3 аргументов. 3. Выражение противоположного мнения, приведение 1-2 аргументов.

4. 1-2 аргумента, почему вы не согласны с противоположным мнением.

5. Заключение, микровывод (опираясь на вступление).


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