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Письма Many of my friends enjoy horse riding a lot, and I like it too. Last weekend my friends and I went to the local music festival (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Letter N1

Задание:. . Many of my friends enjoy horse riding a lot, and I like it too. What is your attitude to horse riding? Is it a popular hobby in your region? Why, or why not? What hobbies are popular with teens in your region?

I've just bought a present for my friend's birthday. . .

Dear Dave,

Thanks for your email. I’m glad to hear from you.

I’m happy to answer your questions. As for your first question, I can say that horse riding is cool hobby but I wouldn’t to do it because I don’t like horses. In my opinion, this hobby popular in my region. For example, near my town there’s a special complex for horse riding and and many of my friends go there.

Moreover, drawing is popular with teens in my region.

Many of my classmates went to art school. And I suppose there classes are popular too.

By the way, in your letter you mentioned that you have bought present for your friend. What present did you buy? Where did you buy it? Do you think you friend will be happy with such present?

That’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Letter N2

Задание:. . Last weekend my friends and I went to the local music festival. It was really great. Are music festivals popular with

ussian teenagers? Why, or why not? What music events are held in your region, if any at all? What music event would you like to attend or take part in?

A week ago I went on a hiking trip with my family. . .

Dear Harry,

Thanks for your email. I’m glad to hear from you.

I’m happy to answer your questions. As for your first question, I can say that music festivals are popular with

ussian teenagers. Many young people like such festivals because they can spent a good time with friends and listen to large number of artists. In my region, there is a music festival called Ural Music Night. I don’t visit it because there are usually no singers that I like. I would like to go to a concert of some my favourite bands.

By the way, I want to know more about your hiking trip. How long were you on the hike? How many kilometres have you walked? What is your best memory from this trip?

That’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,





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