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Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays reading is still a big part of our lives. Some of us think that teenagers prefer to play computer games, watch YouTube, chat in social networks, etc. to reading fiction books while the others still believes that there are readers of fiction among the youth.

In my opinion, the number of young readers has fallen dramatically recently because of the popularity of the Internet technology. Also, teenagers changed their way of thinking, because now they do not feel like to reflecting about problems which happened 100-200 years ago.

On the other hand, there are people who think that the quantity of fiction fans is growing. They say that the number of literature classes is at present bigger than it was 50 years ago.

Furthermore, there is an opinion that people can read and discuss books more freely than is the Soviet Union.

I do not agree with the opposing opinion because with the development of Internet technology teenagers got a lot of opportunities to entertain themselves listening to music, watching movies, creating blogs and what not.

All in all, youngsters do not keen on reading fiction if they have a possibility to enjoy themselves surfing and scrolling sites in the Internet.


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