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Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Books have always opened a gateway to the outside world for readers. But nowadays, television is becoming more and more popular and it has replaced reading in general. Some people say that reading fiction is a vital part of the life of young people, while others consider that fiction is unnecessary at all. I strongly believe that reading books is an essential part of our life.

First and foremost, fiction, especially classic literature, is a great storehouse of knowledge and of eternal truths. I mean that books help to form a teenager, to educate his nobility, kindness and humaneness. Therefore, fiction can become the best teacher in moral formation. Secondly, fiction increases imagination and creativity, so a teenager has an opportunity to become an interesting person and intelligent conversationalist.

Moreover, learning poems by heart develops memory. Consequently, fiction broads horizons of the mind and make teenagers do exciting creative things.

However, there are people who might disagree with my point of view.

To sum up, I would like to stress that fiction is a powerful thing, and it is still relevant today for every teenager.


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