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Students should have a gap year before graduating (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is believed that future students should take a gap year before graduating from school and starting to study in higher educational institutions. whereas others think another ways.

What concerns me, I am pretty sure that the school leavers should indeed take a year's long rest before moving to the university to, first of all, prepare themselves to studying there. The second reason for this is that students must also prepare to the duties of adult life: to live on their own, to wash the dishes, clean the flat and keep an eye on their private things if they are living in dorms. Finally, they will have to face many other difficulties, such being a new place with new rules and stranger people which is an important part of the student's life.

Notwithstanding that, there is also an opinion that students must proceed right after they finish school and after summer holidays. For instance, these people think that students should not delay and graduate before relax or forget too much.

Moreover, they also think that students must meet new people and develop their social skills as soon as possible for the whole person's life depends on it.

At any rate, I do not divide the above-mentioned point of view as the students's minds are still developing, and they undoubtedly need to take some pretty long-term rest after graduating.

In conclusion I would like to say once again that there are many different opinions about what future students should do, but pre-rest is very important for them, because only a few of the students can handle so much not getting exhausted mentally and sometimes physically.


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