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Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it’s not completely healthy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it’s not completely healthy.

Nowadays there is a countless number of fast food for every taste. That is why it is very popular today. Some people think that it is a great opportunity to save money and time and at the same time to eat tasty, while others consider that such kind of food is very unhealthy.

In my opinion, fast food is not so terrible as people say.

Firstly, fast food is cooked very quickly because it is prepared from ready-to-use products. Consequently, busy people can save a lot of time consuming this meal. Secondly, this kind of food can be suitable for everybody, as far as there is a huge variety of fast food for any taste and pocket. Moreover, this food can help homeless and poor people survive because it is quite cheap.

However, there are other people who believe that fast food is unhealthy and it may cause serious problems with weight and health.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with this point of view because if a person eats fast food once a month nothing bad will happen. People should always remember that not only fast food can lead to problems with health, but also excessive consumption of all food (healthy or fast food) can be a reason of diseases.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of this problem being ambiguous, I strongly believe that fast food cannot really harm people’s health. Moreover, there are a lot of positive expects which prove that fast food is a good option for busy working people.

(255 world)


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