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Healthy (good) food and Fast food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. Healthy and balanced diet is useful for every person.

I think that it is the very good fashion to be healthy. Many people spend many hours in the gym. However a healthy lifestyle includes not only physical exercises, but also healthy food.

Healthy food is also can be cooked fast. For example, it takes about fifteen minutes to cook buckwheat. You spend so little time to cook it, but your organism gets many vitamins.

It supports your health and emotional stability. When you wake up, you feel happy during the whole day, you are able to study and concentrate on different tasks.

Vitamin A It is very important for vision and growth. There is a lot of it in carrots, butter, eggs, tomatoes.

Vitamin B It helps our heart to work, helps the body fight with diseases.

There is a lot of it in sunflower seed, fresh tomatoes, beans, eggs, bread.

Vitamin C It makes our body stronger, protects of diseases such as cold. A person weakens if there is not enough vitamin C. This vitamin is found in fresh fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons, bananas), in vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, garlic).

Fast food is high-calorie, contains a lot of fats and few vitamins.

Fast food harms our health. One of the biggest mistakes is that healthy food does not taste good.

Another reason, why people are not ready to eat healthy is a small amount of spare time. When you are busy during your day, it is faster to buy some snacks or takeaway food.

Actually, it is only a stereotype created by people, who are lazy and want to look for easy ways. It is possible to carry your dinner in food trays.

Scientists have discovered harmful substances in chips, including substances used in the manufacture of plastics and paints.

Carbonated drinks include preservatives, flavors and colorings. They are bad for our health.


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