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Using modern technologies in educational process is for the good of students пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

10 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

There are a lot of arguments about how modern technologies influence on students during their education. Some people think that it makes a great effort for students , while others are convinced that technologies have only bad impact on their education.

Personally, I believe that modern technologies are used by students to improve the level of knowledge. Firstly, having a computer, for instance, allows pupils to find different information for great preparation to the lessons, also there is a big amount of Internet sites where a pupil can learn new material and check yourself. Secondly, there are some situations,for instance a quarantine, when students cannot go to school or visit other educational places. But new technologies help them to continue educational process.

Some of the people argue with me. They state that the new technologies disturb pupils from education.

Smart phones take a lot of time, students spend a big amount of forces, which could be used on getting an education, on surfing the Internet without a special benefit.

I cannot agree with the opposite point of view, because sometimes person should have a rest from education, and after it will help him to get and memorize information better. There are a lot of ways how to take your mind off by using modern technologies.

To sum up, the development of new technologies plays the big role in our days, in particular in the sphere of education. Nowadays we have enough possibilities to get an excellent education and become successful.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание.Хорошо подобраны аргументы.

К2 - организация. Эссе построено логически верно.

К3 - лексика. Встречаются лексические ошибки. Например:

have a rest from education, and after it(не after, а then)

К4 - грамматика.Имеются грамматические ошибки:

Some people think that it makes a great effort for students(речь идет о technologies (мн.число) - they)

pupil can learn new material and check yourself(pupil - him/herself)

Some of the people(так сказать нельзя. Правильно: some people)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация. Имеются неточности в пунктуации из-за того, что вы строите сложные и большие предложения.

В целом:

К1 - 3

К2 - 3

К3 - 2

К4 - 1

К5 - 1

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