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Modern Technologies (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, technologies have already become a part of our life and most of us are aware of the fact that every time you use your credit card, mobile phone or whatever, your personal information is being recorded somewhere.

Have you ever heard about CCTV or GPS? In fact, CCTV is everywhere around us: in shopping malls, at ATMS, buildings or roads. They are operated by the police and private security companies in order to prevent muggings, shoplifting and carjackings. They also watch for the road for people speeding, they keep track of you all day, every day, just as GPS.

GPS (Global positioning system) also makes it easier to locate you. In fact, via satellite companies can keep track of everything that is connected to the GPS, so when you use this technology you can be easily located too.

Nowadays, new forms of identification become more popular. It is easier for people to identify themselves when they want to pay for something, log in somewhere or whatever, just because of such technologies like finger scanning, fingerprinting, face recognition and footstep identification.

Without any doubt, identity cards are also getting smarter. Many countries give their citizens “identification cards” where their name, address and other personal information is written.

In the near future, these cards can have a microchip which will store more and more information. Such cards will be able to contain your driving license, medical card and credit card.

By the way, society should ask itself whether their privacy or convenience is more important.


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