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Rural areas are the best places to live for elderly people пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Recently there has been a heated debate whether it is essential for older generation to live in the countryside. This issue is rather controversial and relevant nowadays.

Personally, I think, that elderly people actually should live in the rural areas. Firstly, this is incredibly useful for their health. Living in villages assumes pure air and unpolluted water. Old people usually have weak lungs, so fresh air will help them live longer. Secondly, elderly people will suffer from a lack of activity in the city, but in the countryside they can engage in land cultivation and gardening. This is the best activity for them.

However, there is a contradictory view. Some people are sure, that rural areas do not meet the requirements of the older generation.

They claim, that the villages do not have conveniences for permanent living, what will make elderly people’s life difficult.

Anyway, I do not share this opinion. I believe, that nowadays every village has all the conditions for living. Moreover, all people in their old age need peace and quiet, which they will never find in the city.

To conclude, I can say, that it is actually better for old people to live in the rural areas. They will feel comfortable only there.

207 слов


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