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Learning English is much easier for teenagers than for elderly people на 14 баллов (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is alleged that studying English is supposed to be not so hard for young people in comparison with the seniors. Some people absolutely agree with this statement, whereas there are other people who have a different point of view.

In my opinion, studying foreign languages is less difficult for the youth than for the older people. Firstly, it is believed that memory and brain of the young people are more flexible for new information. Obviously, they are able to memorise more new words and important grammar rules. Secondly, except for books, there are other opportunities for studying such as TV, social networks and YouTube. Thus, teenagers have more skills for using them really efficiently.

Nevertheless, one should accept that senior citizens have more free time than the youngest generation.

For instance, if they are retired, they are free to make their dreams come true and learn something they always wanted to such as studying a new language.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because I think that not all seniors are so free as they are supposed to be. Undoubtedly, many of them have to be a babysitters for their young grandsons and granddaughters or help them with their homework.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that learning English for teenagers is simpler than for the older people. Modern generation is more active, sociable and ready for the new experiences as well.


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