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People pay too much attention to learning English nowadays пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Recently there has been a heated debate whether English is the integral part of everyone's life nowadays. This issue is rather controversial, there is no exact answer to this question.

Personally, I think, that it is actually necessary to pay attention to English because of lots of reasons. Firstly, it can be really relevant for your future job. If you want to be successful, you should understand that English is demanded almost in all prestigious companies. It is also known, that the countries of the «first World» (like USA) speak this language. Secondly, English is essential, if you like traveling. To my mind, everybody at least once may be in a foreign country. Consequently, with knowledge of English you will «survive» there.

However, there is a contradictory view.

Some people are sure, that everyone can live without knowledge of this language because their mother-tongue will be enough for their life. They claim, that besides English there are lots of languages to learn.

Anyway, I do not share this opinion. I believe, that English is the easiest in learning. It is quite simply for everyone to speak it fluently. Also in fact, English is the first language in the world.

To conclude, I can say, that people should pay attention to English because of its necessity and relevancy nowadays. It has a lot of benefits.

225 words


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