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Ó íàñ áîëåå 100 000 ìàòåðèàëîâ âîñïîëüçóéòåñü ïîèñêîì! Âàì ïîâåç¸ò!

Why young people pay too much attention to fashion? (Ñî÷èíåíèÿ ÅÃÝ àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê)

In vision of present days there to many young persons who think a lot about fashion. Some people can only admit that while others refuse to give clear statement.

First of all, fashion constantly changes. If you look at photos from various fashion shows, you'll find out that every decade models wear a very different types of clothes. So, people who keen on in fashion have to check every magazine based on modern trends. Based on this we can say that people really interested in it: if they weren’t the vogue wouldn’t be so changeable.

Secondly, those who can be influenced by fashion are teens. They want to be on the same wave with each other, and wearing similar clothes can become a kind of message: “you are wearing this type of clothes, and so do I, maybe we have same interests?”.

So, to be in on stream teenagers follow the fashion.

But, in other hand there a lot of people who deny the fashion itself. They wear what they like and refuse to follow common standards of vogue. They have their own style suitable to their personalities.

And, after all what I just have said, we can discuss a real problem: fashionable clothes are extra expensive. There is a little number of people who can afford it without forgetting of buying a food. Yes, you can easily find fake-trend clothes, but who can declare that the quality is still high? Bad and cheap material can damage your skin or even produce an allergic reaction. Following modern trends can be a kind of dangerous activity. Also, wearing a specific kind of clothes can make a person an object of ridicule

As for me, I don’t like to follow the rules of fashion and don’t like when somebody saying what I should wear. But I can’t say that I am rebellious human – I’m trying to keep dress code and wear clean and neat clothes.

In conclusion I want to say that everybody have their own opinion. Someone adores fashion, someone doesn’t like it. In such question like fashion there are lots of points of view. When fashion is art it really great, but when it is a reason of quarrel it is bad.


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Ñïàñèáî çà âíèìàíèå.



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