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A live music performance is always inferior to a studio recording (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are many people who like different kinds of music, no matter what the genre is, and some of them prefer to listen to live performances rather than the studio ones, and vice versa. This sometimes creates a divergence between these two kinds of people and from time to time serves as a topic of arguments.

As for me, I, most of all, prefer to listen songs in their studio versions. Firstly, the studio songs sound much better that live ones because in that case thуy are made just the way the band or musician sees it. Secondly, the singer can focus not only on actually singing the song, but also on upbringing its the underlying reasons, though not directly before the crowd of people. Finally, live performances are not easy to handle with for anyone, so some people may feel very stressed out if performing before public.

However, there is an another opinion concerning that topic. People who think another way claim that, to begin with, live performances are some kind of atmospheric to everyone taking part in it. Besides, some of these people would want pretty much to hear the actual voices of their idols and convey their feelings directly to musician.

But still, at any rate, the studio songs are considered to be more popular than live performances at least because the most of musicians do not perform so much and so often, not to mention the tense that artists feel in their vocal cords afterwards.

In conclusion of my reasoning, I would like to restate once again that studio songs are more popular and widespread than live sessions.


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