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The Internet is the biggest evil of your time example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

12 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

In today's world, the problem of the impact of the Internet on our daily life causes great argument and controversy. Some people think that the Internet is a blessing while others claim that there is nothing worse than the Internet.

In my opinion, the Internet is one of the best things humanity has ever created. Firstly, it allows you to quickly search the necessary information from different sources. Secondly, because of the Internet people from around the world can communicate and find those who have the same taste and share the similar interests.

However, there are people who suppose that the Internet brings nothing but evil. Firstly, they believe that the Internet is a waste of time that you could spend doing useful things in real life. Secondly, people using the Internet are far more hateful and disrespectful to each other.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposing point of view as if you use the Internet correctly and plan your time that you spend searching the web, the Internet will become a useful source.

In addition, not all people on the Internet are evil and if you meet one you should treat him with respect and not give in to his statements.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to emphasize that the Internet is a new valuable source of information, which makes it great and wonderful. In order to truly appreciate all its functions, you need to learn correct way of using it.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание. Хорошо подобраны аргументы. Аспекты соблюдены.

К2 - организация. Эссе построено логически верно.

К3 - лексика. Имеются лексические ошибки. Например:

people from around the world(from all over the world)

the Internet is a new valuable source of information, which makes it great and wonderful(it - Кого? Очень сложно построено предложение для понимания)

К4 - грамматика.Имеются грамматические ошибки. Например:

it allows you to quickly search the necessary information(search the necessary information QUICKLY)

search the necessary information from different sources.(лучше in different sources)

far more hateful(much more...)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация. Все нормы соблюдены.

В целом:

К1 - 3

К2 - 3

К3 - 2

К4 - 2

К5 - 2

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