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40.2 The future of education – books or computers? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are two opinions about people’s future education. Some group of people believes that future education is books, while another group of people are sure that future education is computers. Sometimes it is really hard to compare these two things, because each of the group has the right opinion.

I think that the future is only different technologies, some of them will change people. Also I am sure that our future education will be only on the computers, all our documents and so on will be on the computers. Why it will be like this? Because it is faster and more comfortable. In the Internet we can find all interesting us information. In the computers we people can create different things what is really important for modern person.

On the other hands people believe that books will be our future education.

In the world there are different types of books, which can be interesting for people and can have true information, what cannot be in the Internet.

I do not agree with the opposite opinion, because people should waste their time and money buying books. Also in the internet person can easily find all things which he needs. All sites are corrected by special people and they write just real information, so people can believe Internet and information what presented in different sites.

In conclusion I would like to say that books are really important for people, and they can have some old and interesting information, but it is old time, now is the new time. New century, where computers play big part in lives of all people. We cannot imagine our life without gadgets. So future education cannot be without modern technologies.


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