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Some people think that only those who earn a lot of money 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Most people dream of turning into made. Some believe that cash will build them powerful, freelance and happy, whereas others suppose that cash could cause them a lot of worries than anything. The question arises whether or not cash will solve all issues.

In my opinion, wealth doesn't relate to happiness. Firstly, lifetime of the made is choked with dangers. they need to pay abundant cash on security, however in spite of all the measures that they take, they're typically robbed, abducted or maybe killed. Secondly, those that have a great deal of money are typically lonely and sad as a result of others often try and profit of them. Thirdly, cash will do a lot of damage than sensible if it's used without showing responsibility or for purchases like alcohol or medication.

However, some folks suppose that the made live lavish and scatterbrained lives.

They can take vacations once they wish and get overpriced cars, giant mansions, personal jets, and other luxury things. in addition, cash will provide you with exaggerated access to excitement and entertainment. rich folks will visit exotic countries, dine at the most effective restaurants and stay in five-star hotels.

Anyway, i believe that lying on a beach, sailing a luxury yacht or riding in a very machine may be fun for a brief time, however it's not going to supply semipermanent satisfaction. Besides, most rich folks cannot relax and luxuriate in themselves as a result of they have to run their business and build investment choices all the time.

To sum up, there are a lot of necessary things in life them cash. in spite of however made you are, you can not get happiness or physiological condition. i believe that individuals ought to be happy with what they need.


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