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It is easy to live without the Internet пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The Internet has become a necessary part of people’s daily life. It is a great source of information as well as provides people with different ideas for entertainment and communication. Some people think that our modern society is able to live without the Internet, while others are convinced that people are already addicted to it.

In my opinion, nowadays it is impossible to live without the Internet. First of all, the Internet is a great source of communication. It is easier to communicate via the Internet. People do not have to go to a post office in order to send a letter. This means that it is faster and it is available all over the world. Secondly, people have an opportunity to do online shopping from their home place thanks to the Internet.

It is extremely comfortable for busy people, who spent almost all their days at work.

However, there are some people with the opposite opinion. They claim that children might suffer from the Internet addiction. They spend almost all their free time surfing online, chatting through the social networks or playing computer games. This way, they lose communication skills and they are also distracted from their studies. Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. The Internet can be used in many positive ways, for example, for distant learning, which is really important for young people who live in remote areas. Moreover, modern computer games might also develop their logical thinking and creativity.

To sum up, although the Internet can be a great time waster, I strongly believe that it is the most important mankind's invention. Obviously, it is here to stay.


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