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It is easy to live without the Internet, does not it? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of the Internet is relevant nowadays but still it is rather controversial. Some people claim that coping without the global communication network is easy. Others state that it is complicated to manage without the Internet.

I am inclined to believe that it is hard to live without the Internet. To begin with, nowadays the Internets plays the role of a global platform where people can communicate with each other and share their ideas, so it would be difficult for them to severe their links on the Internet. Another argument is that the Internet gives people an opportunity to have a rest and spend their leisure time watching films or playing games online, so it would be impossible for people to stop using the Internet as a source of entertainment.

However, some people tend to believe that living without the Internet is easy.

As they see it, people who need to find some useful information, can use books, magazines and television in order to search for it. The same information can be found both in books and on the Internet, so the Internet is not necessary.

I cannot agree with the idea above. My opponents fail to understand that the information should be transferred in a short time, so that people really need to use the Internet to find everything they need very quickly. Consequently, it is complicated to live without the Internet.

All in all, there are two points of view on the issue of the Internet. I am strongly convinced that it is difficult to live without the Internet.


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