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Âõîä ÷åðåç VK
çàáûëè ïàðîëü?

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Ó íàñ áîëåå 100 000 ìàòåðèàëîâ âîñïîëüçóéòåñü ïîèñêîì! Âàì ïîâåç¸ò!

The Internet has revolutionised the modern world (Ñî÷èíåíèÿ ÅÃÝ àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê)

It is thought that the advent of the Internet has changed the way humanity lived before. Some people agree with this statement, while others claim the opposite. In this essay I will express my opinion about this problem.

From my point of view, the appearance of the World Wide Web has indeed changed the world completely. Firstly, thanks to the Internet people have had lots of new ways of communicating with each other. For example, every person who has the Internet in his device could contact any person who has the Internet as well no matter where they are. Secondly, the Internet makes it possible for people to get knowledge about everything, while before access to knowledge was limited.

However, some people have an opposite opinion.

They think that the Internet has not influenced the modern world considerably. For instance, before the Internet was created people also had plenty of ways to communicate with people from other countries. The difference between these ways is that the first way is quicker.

I completely disagree with the above opinion. The Internet allows people not only communicate but to do it fast and in real time as well that saves time greatly.

In conclusion, even though some people may disagree with me, I consider that the Internet has changed the way people live and, moreover, the rhythm they live.


Åñëè Âû çàìåòèëè îøèáêó èëè îïå÷àòêó, âûäåëèòå òåêñò è íàæìèòå Ctrl+Enter.
Òåì ñàìûì îêàæåòå íåîöåíèìóþ ïîëüçó ïðîåêòó è äðóãèì ÷èòàòåëÿì.

Ñïàñèáî çà âíèìàíèå.



Âõîä ÷åðåç VK
çàáûëè ïàðîëü?

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