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The Internet has revolutionised the modern world and Education is the most important possession a person can have (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Nowadays we can not imagine our life without the Internet. It gives us numerous opportunities but has it actually revolutionized presence or not?

In my opinion, the Internet has definitely changed the way of thinking. Firstly, it affords people all around the world to communicate with each other to find new friends or build up a business, maintain international projects. Secondly, it gives us free access to all information we may ever need. Finally, you can any goods just by sitting in a comfortable armchair at home without going anywhere.

However, some people believe that the Internet has made our life completely more vulnerable for many kinds of cruelty and iniquity.

The World Wide Web makes people less protected because of social networks losing data of its users, which can be used by cyber criminals.

In addition, people have become less socialized in real life talking only online avoiding meetings with family members and friends.

Nevertheless, I am sure that the Internet has positively changed our lives as any revolution did. Today due to social networks every year are formed hundred thousand new families, more than ever before! Besides, society has become more tolerant as it got opportunity to speak straightly with many people from other countries avoiding dummy stereotypes or rumors.

In conclusion, the Internet made a great deal. It has changed the way we used to think about other nations, relationships between people and opened previously unknown methods of growing business and teaching students.


People have always thought about what thing is the most essential to have for every human. Some say this is education but is it a true statement or not?

In my opinion, education is that thin we need to possess. Firstly, it gives us limitless opportunities to find a well-paid job because being a worker in demand means having greater knowledge and more valuable skills than competitors. Secondly, if something terrible happens, you will never lose your education and will be able to regain financial freedom again. Finally, well-educated people are always a better companion for creating strong friendship, business or family.

However, there is another group of people believing that education does not matter. According to them, we can earn considerably more money having such skills as cunning, agility and tenacity rather than great brainpower. Besides, people can get a good education only after earning the necessary money to provide it.

It is a quite debatable question, but I still consider educations is the most vital property. Learning means investing in your future to gain such knowledge and skill, which will help you catch great opportunities and stay demanded worker for a long time.

To conclude, education, indeed, the thing required for all people to have. It provides our well-being and opens many doors in social life.


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